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USAID/Ghana Strengthening Accountability in Ghana's Education System (SAGES) Systems Strengthening Activity

The United States government, through the US Agency for International Development (USAID), announced a new five-year $60 million initiative to improve educational accountability in Ghana.


The project is expected to run from April 1, 2023, to March 31, 2028.




  1. 50% and 62% of Grade 4 children are performing below the basic level in English and math, respectively.


  1. 22% of head teachers in public schools are absent. So are 10% of primary school teachers.

  2. Only 30% of parents engage in school affairs.

  3. SMCs have limited capacity to fulfill their mandates.


Key Expected Results


  1. Support MOE to better use resources, attract non-government financing,introduce creative financing mechanisms, and mobilize domestic resources for education.

  2. Facilitate MOE leadership and coordination capacity in the education sector.

  3. Strengthen community and civil society engagement to hold schools and the government accountable.

  4. Support MOE’s data-driven decision-making through systematic collection, management, and reporting of data.

  5. Improve service delivery and learning outcomes through gender-inclusive education instruction, school management, and teacher development.


CARE Ghana is implementing the SAGES System Strengthening Activity with the support of five sub-awardees, including the Ghana National Education Campaign Coalition (GNECC).

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