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The Ghana National Education Campaign Coalition (GNECC) is a network of civil society organizations, professional groupings, educational/research institutions and other practitioners interested in promoting quality basic education for all. Formed in 1999, the coalition has steadily grown over the years with a current membership of about 200 organizations. Its philosophy is premised on the fact that education is a fundamental human right and key to breaking the cycle of poverty.
Consequent upon that, it demonstrates efforts at conceptualizing the Jomtien Declarations and related global conventions such as the Dakar Declarations, the Millennium Development Goals for the attainment of quality and free compulsory universal basic education for all (EFA) in Ghana.
Our Objectives
- To work for the removal of barriers at local, national and international levels for equitable access to good quality, relevant and enjoyable basic education for all.
- To mobilize and harness adequate resources at local, national and international levels to meet the cost of good quality basic education for all.
- To advocate the appropriate allocation and utilization of public and private resources to ensure good quality, relevant and equitable basic education for all.
- To advocate democratic participation in the formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of local and national education policies and plans and the management of educational institutions in Ghana.
- To influence international educational policies and programmes to ensure access to good quality basic education for all.
Main Activities
Embarking on awareness and sensitization programmes on the problems facing the education sector and how to effectively address those problems. Lobbying and working closely with government, policy makers, development partners and other educational institutions in various areas of education so as to meet the target of primary universal education for all by 2015.
Conducting research in various fields of education with the view to providing empirical data to inform policy formulation and decision-making in education. Building a strong constituency by strengthening the advocacy skills and knowledge of coalition members and other key actors in education.
Campaigning/advocating and where possible, facilitating access to education by special interest groups such as girls, children, people with disabilities and youth in difficult circumstances, especially those from disadvantaged communities.
Tracking and monitoring educational resources for efficient service delivery.
- CSO voice by mobilizing opinions nationally and participation in National and Regional Education Sector Review meetings. Has a platform of 200 member organizations and professionals.
- Successfully compiled a video documentary on the plight of rural teachers and disseminated it nationwide via the national television.
- Successfully developed a clearly defined organizational structure and implementing a strategic plan.
- With evidence from the field successfully made inputs into Education Strategic Plan and the Education Bill.
- Successfully led the campaign for fee free education at the basic level.
- Source for factual educational information and research to CSOs, students, researchers.
- Provides research support to the Parliamentary Select Committee on Education and MOESS.
- Ministry of Education recognizes GNECC as a key stakeholder in education development and represents civil society on the development partner’s forum.
- Increased awareness of EFA/MDG 2.
- Tracked Capitation Grant in over 400 schools.
- Successfully hosted the national platform for the Global Action Week since 2002.
Created the largest Education Platform nationally and has successfully decentralized at all the regional and 57 districts.
- The Ministry of Education, Ghana Education Service and District Assemblies recognize GNECC and DEFATs as source of alternative ideas in education delivery.
- Carved a regional and international reputation for itself as a model for other African Coalitions.
Successfully coordinated the Education platform of the MDG Secretariat in Ghana since 2006
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